In a stroke of what I can only describe as pure genius, I installed a utility to remember all my passwords and passphrases with just one master passphrase (which...
Apple’s M1 chips have a hardware vulnerability that could allow attackers to get through the last line of security.
Thus, according to MIT researchers, a security...
In this article, you will find a collection of gadget/tech concepts that people feel to be “current technology” but have existed for a long time. Of...
The Dock is the pop-up menu at the bottom of your screen where you can house shortcuts to different applications. You can customize it by adjusting the size and...
Since the late 1970s, personal computers have rapidly gained acceptance in consumer markets. Today, they have reached a level of ubiquity at par with other consumer...
Many people worldwide spend their lives in front of a computer or smartphone on the Internet. Does it feel like that’s all you do, day in and day out? But it doesn’t...